19 April 2016

Thomas Gangale in Outer Space!

25 April 2013: A Conversation With Hufanga 'Okusitino Mahina on International Space Law, Part 1
26 April 2013: A Conversation With Hufanga 'Okusitino Mahina on International Space Law, Part 2
27 April 2013: A Conversation With Hufanga 'Okusitino Mahina on International Space Law, Part 3
17 May 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 1
19 May 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 2
18 June 2014: OPS-Alaska Proposes Space Weapons Treaty
19 June 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 3
20 June 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 4
21 June 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 5
22 June 2014: NRC Report on NASA's Future: Obvious Where Right, Obviously Wrong on China
23 June 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 6
24 June 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 7
24 June 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 8: Dorian and Hexagon
25 June 2014: More Declassified Drawings of Manned Orbiting Laboratory (Dorian)
27 June 2014: Ode to Little Bird
28 June 2014: Hexadorian, the Ten-Bucket Abomination
30 June 2014: Responses to Anonymous Comments on Hexagon-Dorian
01 July 2014: Debating Dorian and Hexagon
02 July 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 9: STS-4 and STS-39
03 July 2014: Ode to Big Bird, Part 10: Damien
03 July 2014: Childhood's End, Gaia, Global Brain, and Terraforming.
20 July 2014: Comment on the Property Rights Protocol to the Solar System Treaty
14 August 2014: Propaganda Weapons vs. Space Weapons
 16 October 2014: Getting Into the Asteroid Mining Act
29 October 2014: The Space Pioneer Act: A Name Without a Deed
31 October 2014: SpaceShipTwo: Enterprise Still Flies
07 November 2014: The Space Weapons Treaty Hoax
09 November 2014:  A Critique of Nebraska-Lincoln's "Fabulous Forty of Space Law"
09 November 2014: Gangale's Top 50 Space Music Hits
11 November 2014: In Defense of Virgin Galactic
05 December 2014: UN Duped by Sino-Russian Space Weapons Treaty Hoax
14 January 2015: Mining Activities in Space and International Law
02 February 2015: Martian Time
29 November 2015: Statement on the US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act of 2015
07 December 2015: Discussion on the Space Resource Exploration and Utilization Act
17 February 2016: Space Settlement Governance and Property Rights
14 April 2016: My Top 20 Songs About Outer Space
5 May 2016: SpaceX Baffling the Public with Rocket Spin
08 July 2016: Is Asteroid Mining Legal?
Draft International Treaties (English)
04 July 2014: Draft Protocol Regarding the Delimitation of Outer Space and Territorial Airspace
05 July 2014: Draft Treaty Governing the Activities of States on the Celestial Bodies of the Solar System
06 July 2014: Draft Protocol on Property Rights to the Treaty Governing the Activities of States on the Celestial Bodies of the Solar System
07 July 2014: Draft Protocol on Dispute Settlement to the Treaty Governing the Activities of States on the Celestial Bodies of the Solar System, Part 1
08 July 2014: Draft Protocol on Dispute Settlement to the Treaty Governing the Activities of States on the Celestial Bodies of the Solar System, Part 2
09 July 2014: Draft Protocol on Dispute Settlement to the Treaty Governing the Activities of States on the Celestial Bodies of the Solar System, Part 3
10 July 2014: Draft Protocol on Dispute Settlement to the Treaty Governing the Activities of States on the Celestial Bodies of the Solar System, Part 4
11 July 2014: Draft Protocol on Dispute Settlement to the Treaty Governing the Activities of States on the Celestial Bodies of the Solar System, Part 5
12 July 2014: Draft Convention on the Protection of Solar System Cultural Heritage
13 July 2014: Draft Convention on the Protection of Solar System Cultural Heritage, Annex 1
14 July 2014: Draft Declaration Establishing the 20th Century Lunar Landing Sites as a World Heritage Territory
16 July 2014: Draft Trusteeship Agreement for the Lunar Heritage Territory
20 July 2014: Draft Protocol to the Trusteeship Agreement for the Lunar Heritage Territory Establishing the Chinese Lunar Heritage District
20 August 2014: Draft Treaty on the Prohibition of the Threat or Use of Force Against Outer Space Objects

Proyecto de Tratados Internacionales (Español)
17 July 2014: Proyecto de Declaración establecer los sitios de los atterrizajes lunares del siglo veintésimo en un territorio del patrimonio mundial
21 July 2014: Proyecto de Protocolo relativo a la delimitación del espacio ultraterrestre y el espacio aéreo territorial
24 July 2014: Proyecto de tratado que debe regir las actividades de los Estados en los cuerpos celestes en el Sistema Solar
27 July 2014: Protocolo sobre Solución de Controversias al Tratado que debe regir las actividades de los Estados en los cuerpos celestes en el Sistema Solar, Parte 1
28 July 2014: Protocolo sobre Solución de Controversias al Tratado que debe regir las actividades de los Estados en los cuerpos celestes en el Sistema Solar, Parte 2
29 July 2014: Protocolo sobre Solución de Controversias al Tratado que debe regir las actividades de los Estados en los cuerpos celestes en el Sistema Solar, Parte 3
30 July 2014: Protocolo sobre Solución de Controversias al Tratado que debe regir las actividades de los Estados en los cuerpos celestes en el Sistema Solar, Parte 4
31 July 2014: Protocolo sobre Solución de Controversias al Tratado que debe regir las actividades de los Estados en los cuerpos celestes en el Sistema Solar, Parte 5
12 August 2014: Proyecto de convención sobre la protección del patrimonio cultural del Sistema Solar
13 August 2014: Proyecto de convención sobre la protección del patrimonio cultural del Sistema Solar, Annexo 1

Projet de traités internationaux (français)
18 July 2014: Projet de Déclaration établir les sites des atterrissages lunaires du siècle vingtième en un territoire du patrimoine mondial
22 July 2014: Projet de protocole concernant le delimitation de l’espace extra-atmosphérique et l’espace arién territoriale
25 July 2014: Projet de traité régissant les activités des États sur les corps célestes en le Système Solaire
01 August 2014: Projet Protocole de Règlement des Différends au Traité régissant les activités des États sur les corps célestes en le Système Solaire, Partie 1
02 August 2014: Projet Protocole de Règlement des Différends au Traité régissant les activités des États sur les corps célestes en le Système Solaire, Partie 2
03 August 2014: Projet Protocole de Règlement des Différends au Traité régissant les activités des États sur les corps célestes en le Système Solaire, Partie 3
04 August 2014: Projet Protocole de Règlement des Différends au Traité régissant les activités des États sur les corps célestes en le Système Solaire, Partie 4
05 August 2014: Projet Protocole de Règlement des Différends au Traité régissant les activités des États sur les corps célestes en le Système Solaire, Partie 5
14 August 2014: Projet de convention sur la protection du patrimoine culturel du Système Solaire
15 August 2014: Projet de convention sur la protection du patrimoine culturel du Système Solaire, Annexe Première

Проект международных договоров русский)
19 July 2014: Проект Декларациа устанавлибать места лунных посадк двадцатого века территорией миробого наследия
23 July 2014: Проект протокол относительно разграничении космического пространства и территориального воздушного пространства
26 July 2014: Проект договор о деятельности государств на небесных телах Солнечной Системы
06 August 2014: Протокол о урегулирования споров Договору о деятельности государств на небесные тела Солнечной системы, Часть 1
07 August 2014: Протокол о урегулирования споров Договору о деятельности государств на небесные тела Солнечной системы, Часть 2
08 August 2014: Протокол о урегулирования споров Договору о деятельности государств на небесные тела Солнечной системы, Часть 3
09 August 2014: Протокол о урегулирования споров Договору о деятельности государств на небесные тела Солнечной системы, Часть 4
10 August 2014: Протокол о урегулирования споров Договору о деятельности государств на небесные тела Солнечной системы, Часть 5

17 August 2014: Проект Конвенциа об охране культурного наследия Солнечная Система
19 August 2014: Проект Конвенциа об охране культурного наследия Солнечная Система, Приложение 1

13 January 2016: Rocket Without a Cause
31 March 2016: Draft Treaty on Relations Between Human and Nonhuman States.
18 April 2016: Lawyer's Paradise

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