03 February 2016

Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection, CD1974-1

It's the "ultimate" because this trip through music, space, and time keeps growing. More than 2,700 music tracks organized chronologically, spanning more than a century, plus voice clips from space missions and other historical events. More than 200 hours of musical exploration... and counting.
1 Spaced Aerosmith 1974
2 Skylab 4 - Endurance Record Mission Audio 1974
3 Большое космическое путешествие - Пою сам млечный путь The Great Space Journey - The Milky Way Itself Sings (неизвестный исполнитель) (unknown artist) 1974
4 Надежда Hope Анна Герман Anna Gherman 1974
5 Five Hundred Miles High Stan Getz 1974
6 Mariner 10 - Venus Flyby NASA Documentary 1974
7 The Planets - Venus, the Bringer of Peace Gustav Holst / London Symphony Orchestra, André Previn cond. 1974
8 Песня юных космонавтов Song of the Young Cosmonauts Большой детский хор Гостелерадио СССР Great Children's Choir of Radio and Television of the USSR 1974
9 So Long Supernova Comus 1974
10 Earth Juice Return to Forever 1974
11 Skylab 4 - Undocking and Flyaround Mission Audio 1974
12 All Fly Away Jefferson Starship 1974
13 Dark Star - Benson Arizona John Yager 1974

Index to Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection

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