02 February 2016

Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection, CD1973-3

It's the "ultimate" because this trip through music, space, and time keeps growing. More than 2,700 music tracks organized chronologically, spanning more than a century, plus voice clips from space missions and other historical events. More than 200 hours of musical exploration... and counting.
1 Saturn, Lord of the Ring Manfred Mann's Earth Band 1973
2 Skylab 4 - EVA Mission Audio 1973
3 Ночь прошла The Night Passed Москва-Кассиопейа ОСТ Moskva-Kassiopeja OST 1973
4 Skylab 4R - Vehicle Rollout NASA PAO 1973
5 Skylab 4 - Kohoutek Observation 1 Mission Audio 1973
6 Raketou na Mars Rocket to Mars Vira Špinarová 1973
7 Skylab 4 - Moth Eggs and Larvae Mission Audio 1973
8 Skylab 4 - Kohoutek Observation 2 Mission Audio 1973
9 Theme to the Mothership Return to Forever 1973
10 Skylab 4 - Birth of the Moths Mission Audio 1973
11 Space Is Deep [Space Ritual] Hawkwind 1973
12 Skylab 4 - Motion Sickness Mission Audio 1973
13 Skylab 4 - Kohoutek Observation 3 Mission Audio 1973
14 Space Circus Return to Forever 1973
15 Skylab 4 - Conversation With Kohoutek Mission Audio 1973
16 Skylab 4 - Kohoutek Observation 4 Mission Audio 1973
17 Знаки Зодиака Signs of the Zodiac Владимир Высоцский Vladimir Vysotskij 1973

Index to Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection

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