22 January 2016

Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection, CD1969-2

It's the "ultimate" because this trip through music, space, and time keeps growing. More than 2,700 music tracks organized chronologically, spanning more than a century, plus voice clips from space missions and other historical events. More than 200 hours of musical exploration... and counting.
1 Cerca de las estrellas Around the Stars Los Pekenikes 1969
2 Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins Byrds 1969
3 Apollo 11 - Good Luck and Godspeed Mission Audio 1969
4 Apollo 11 - Lunar Landing Mission Audio 1969
5 Apollo 11 - Armstrong's First Footsteps Mission Audio 1969
6 Apollo 11 - Aldrin's First Footsteps Mission Audio 1969
7 Apollo 11 - Lunar Module Plaque Mission Audio 1969
8 Apollo 11 - Telephone Call to the Moon Richard Nixon 1969
9 Armstrong Reg Lindsay 1969
10 Footprints on the Moon Johnny Harris Orchestra 1969
11 Walking on the Moon Sun Ra 1969
12 Everybody Gets to Go to the Moon Thelma Houston 1969
13 Cosmonautic Blues Les Apollos & la danse cosmique 1969
14 Armstrong John Stewart 1969

Index to Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection

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