11 August 2016

Make America Great Again: Just Be Fucking Polite

Copyright © 2016 by Thomas Gangale

I have always cringed when a certain California Democratic Party bigwig, whom I will refrain from exposing in respect for our longtime acquaintance, refers to Republicans as "Repugs," primarily because it serves no useful purpose for Democrats to stoop to name-calling any more than it serves Republicans; rather, it urges a lot of us to react like Shakespeare's Mercutio: "A plague o' both your houses!" Secondly, I have had rewarding conversations with some prominent Republicans such as former California Secretary of State Bill Jones and former US Secretary of Labor Bill Brock, to name a couple. That being said, the linked MSNBC story sums up a truly repugnant strain of hateful, mentally retarded, faux conservatism which makes conservative philosophers vomit:

Trump's Conspiracy Theories Aren't Far Outside GOP Mainstream

I once had the honor of being interviewed on radio by progressive talk show host Peter B. Collins and by Heritage Foundation co-founder Paul Weyrich... on the same day, about the same issue, and both conversations were very pleasant. Respectful, principled bipartisanship is how things got done in American politics back in the days when things actually got done. If you get off on Donald Trump's trash-talking, you had better be prepared for a daily diet of it for four years straight while nothing constructive gets accomplished and America descends further into a hell of its own making. What we need is a president who can make friends and play well with others.

If you want trash-talking, I'll give it to you straight. Don't question Barack Obama's patriotism, faith, birth, or parentage. Don't call Hillary Clinton a bitch who should be locked up, executed, or assassinated. Don't even blame Trump for the gutter language into which American political discourse has degenerated. Blame yourselves. Most of you make the concept of government by the people a sick joke. Most of you don't have the first idea of how to govern yourselves as individuals much less as a nation. American political life has come to resemble Lord of the Flies, vicious tribes driven by childlike ignorance of political principles, lost on an island without adult supervision. Remember how our grandparents conducted themselves? I don't recall any of mine ever verbally abusing anyone. It just wasn't done. One thing you could do to really help make America great again is to just be fucking polite. If not, as Nixon would have said, you can all go to hell. You are already well on your way anyhow.

Thomas Gangale's Lies and Politics

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