14 December 2015

Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection, CD1963-1

It's the "ultimate" because this trip through music, space, and time keeps growing. More than 2,700 music tracks organized chronologically, spanning more than a century, plus voice clips from space missions and other historical events. More than 200 hours of musical exploration... and counting.
1 Я - Земля I Am Earth Александра Пахмутова Alexandra Pakhmutova 1963
2 Fly Me to the Moon Anita O'Day 1963
3 Eight Foot Two, Solid Blue Allan Sherman 1963
4 Мечты юных космонавтов Dreams of the Young Cosmonauts Ансамбль им. В. Локтева Ensemble feat. V. Loktev 1963
5 Космические частушки Space Ditties Ансамбль "Ярославские ребята" "Yaroslavl Guys" Ensemble 1963
6 Moon Race Citations 1963
7 Fly Me to the Moon Bobby Darin 1963
8 Countdown Crescendos 1963
9 Mercury Atlas 9 - Part 1 British Pathe Newsreel 1963
10 Mercury Atlas 9 - Launch Mission Audio 1963
11 Mercury Atlas 9 - Part 2 British Pathe Newsreel 1963
12 Distinguished Service Medal Presented to Astronaut Gordon Cooper John F. Kennedy 1963
13 Maid of the Moon Dick Hyman & Mary Mayo 1963
14 Rocket Ship Don Drummond 1963
15 Звездные капитаны Stellar Captains Эмиль Горовец Emil' Gorovets 1963
16 Red Planet Eric Dolphy 1963

Index to Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection

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