27 November 2015

Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection, CD1957-2

It's the "ultimate" because this trip through music, space, and time keeps growing. More than 2,700 music tracks organized chronologically, spanning more than a century, plus voice clips from space missions and other historical events. More than 200 hours of musical exploration... and counting.
1 Outer Space Suite - Starlight Bernard Herrmann 1957
2 Sputnik Gisela May 1957
3 Sputnik (Satellite Girl) Jerry Engler and the Four Ekkos 1957
4 Sputnik 2 Universal Newsreel 1957
5 Sputnik 2 Newsreel 1957
6 Sputnik 2 Soviet Documentary 1957
7 My Satellite Jesse Belvin 1957
8 Outer Space Suite - Danger Bernard Herrmann 1957
9 Rocket to the Moon Joe Johnson 1957
10 Planetary Run Joe Montgomery 1957
11 Honeymoon on a Rocketship L C Smith 1957
12 Star Rocket Lionel Hampton & His Band 1957
13 Outer Space Suite - Moonscape Bernard Herrmann 1957
14 Beep! Beep! Louis Prima 1957
15 Mars and Beyond - Paul Frees & Earl C. Slipher Disneyland 1957
16 I'm on This Rocket Marvin Moore 1957
17 Rocket Ride Stroll Narvel Felts 1957
18 Outer Space Suite - Airlock Bernard Herrmann 1957
19 Satellite Red Prysock 1957
20 Saturnian Sleigh Ride Shorty Rogers & His Giants 1957
21 Satellite Rocks 1957
22 Outer Space Suite - Tycho Bernard Herrmann 1957
23 Satellite Baby Roosevelt Sykes 1957
24 Vanguard TV-3 - Rocket Blows Up in First U.S. Try Universal Newsreel 1957
25 Rocket to the Moon Tony Perkins 1957
26 Trip to the Moon Wesley Reynolds 1957
27 Outer Space Suite - The Earth Bernard Herrmann 1957
28 Капитаны межпланетных кораблей
Captains of Interplanetary Ships
Виктор Селиванов и Василий Елисеев
Viktor Selivanov & Vasilij Yeliseyev

Index to Countdown to Yuri's Night: The Ultimate Space Music Collection

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